Saturday, April 30, 2011

How I met Unification Church and Reverend Moon.

I was born in a former Soviet Union Republic of Azerbaijan. Now it is independent country of Azerbaijan. When I was about 16 years old, I entered medical school. I graduated at the age of 21 with diploma in medicine.

After graduation I lost interest in medicine. Being raised in communist country, I was looking for deeper meaning in life, and without it I thought I could not exist. Leaving Azerbaijan and coming to the United States was a great opportunity for me to start a new beginning.

Before leaving Azerbaijan I was given a special gift on my birthday - a daily Moon calendar by one of my medical school classmates. Since that day I realized that all my days were accurately predicted by the calendar. So I started to plan all important events according to the calendar and everything that I planned on lucky days according to the calendar was successful.

The calendar was due to expire on December 31 2001. The last note was saying that today’s event will change your life. I remember that at this time I went to the party at Armenian Church in Brooklyn. I was expected to pay 40 dollars to attend this party. Normally I would skip the party if I had to pay for it, since 40 bucks for a party was a big money for me at a time, a jobless man ready to take any odd jobs and had not enough money.

I decided to go because of the calendar prediction. There was a lot of dancing and food. I met few new people. But I expected something else was going to happen during the party, but nothing was happening. At the end of the party I was feeling more sad and frustrated, since nothing was happening. I decided to leave. Then suddenly I heard a voice: Robert come over. That was archbishop Anania, the leader of Armenian church in Brooklyn. He noticed that I feel sad and invited to sit next to him. There was another person at the same table. His name was Luciano.

Luciano was a member of Unification Church, a friend of Anania. But at the time I did not know him. He could not speak Russian- a language commonly used by Brooklyn armenians and asked me to translated for him from people in congregation. We talked a lot. At the end he invited me for New Year celebration at the New Yorker Hotel.

At the New Yorker hotel I met other members of the unification community and was very inspired. I felt like I was a part of a big family, surrounded by brothers and sisters.

Before meeting Luciano I attended Jewish “Flame Society” in Manhattan. During one of the meetings, the rabbi was asking questions from Genesis : Why Adam and Eve felt naked , what was the fruit that they ate? Who was responsible for the fall? Interestingly at the end of the discussion everyone realized that rabbi does not know the answers. After reading Divine Principle I found clear answer to those questions and many others. I knew that Divine Principle is a new truth that was given to humanity.

I helped Luciano to design a website for the Family Olympics which he was going to establish here. We got together pretty easy, and soon I moved in his apartment. I started study at Unification Theological Seminary extension in New York City, and graduated in 2005. During this time I actively participated in life of Unification Church, several times we met with reverend Moon at his home in Terrytown, New York.

I was fascinated with rev. Moon humbleness and desire to surve and help others. Hundreds of people gathered in his house for morning prayer, watching him to talk and pray with other religious leaders from different faith tradition. At the end of the prayer meeting  he had breakfast ready for all of us.

I happily married in 2007 to Japanese lady. In 2008 we already had first child. Now we have 2 children.
After years of struggle with my medical profession with God’s help I found new calling in surgery and now on my way advancing in my new career.

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Unity of Religions, a part of Life and Teachings of Sun Myung Moon.

The Book That Got Attention Of Millions

I suppose you've read the book " Peace Loving World Citizen", an autobiography of Rev. Moon- the mast read for any living human being. In this post you will find more inspiring information on life and deeds of rev. Moon and his wife Hak Ja Han Moon.

Bringing Religions Together

The International Religious Foundation (IRF) and the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace (IRFWP) are dedicated to fostering world peace through religious dialogue and harmony. Their conferences draw participants from very religious tradition and philosophical persuasion. Bridges of understanding are built as participants gain a heightened awareness of the beliefs of others. What emerges is a vision of the family of religions that can guide the transformation of society.

Assembly of World Religions

IRF and IRFWP sponsor the quadrennial Assembly of the World's Religions. The assemblies bring together spiritual teachers, scholars, lay leaders and young people. The second assembly initiated an unprecedented dialogue between Muslims and Christians. Many leading Muslims, through study of the Divine Principle, have come to see Christianity in a new light.


IRF also co-sponsors the Religious Youth Service, which brings together young people of diverse religions for shared worship, study and public service work. They have built schools, community centers and fresh-water systems among other projects. The real building, however, is the bond of friendship, trust and mutual respect among the young people of many faiths.


Reverend Moon directed the compilation of World Scriptures, a 900-page volume which brings out the similarities in the scriptures of all the main religions of the world. He highly respects other religious traditions as having been inspired by God for the sake of the spiritual growth of humankind.


The International Cultural Foundation (ICF) was founded in 1972 to promote academic, scientific and cultural exchange among the countries of the world. ICF has regularly sponsored the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences. This is an interdisciplinary forum for scholars and scientists from around the globe. Conference themes have developed around the search for a central standard of value leading to a unifying vision for the sciences. ICF has embarked upon the creation of a new encyclopedia, to take us beyond the materialistic views of Enlightenment science. The encyclopedia will provide a balance of spiritual, moral and scientific knowledge.


The communications media play a vital role in today's world. Their key task is to provide news and information to humankind in an objective manner. Unfortunately, the media is too often a vehicle for distorted values, cheap sensationalism and misinformation. Reverend Moon has made considerable effort towards the promotion of the press as a moral voice.


The World Media Association brings journalists together to discuss the role of the media in resolving conflict and promoting understanding. It emphasizes that the media must be responsible and accountable in its coverage of world affairs. Implementing these very ideals, Reverend Moon has established newspapers and magazines to serve and educate the public with a commitment to truth and objectivity: The Segye Ilbo in Seoul, Sekai Nippo in Tokyo, The Washington TIMES, Insight and The World & I magazines in Washington D.C., Noticias Del Mundo in New York and Los Angeles, The Middle East Times in Athens and Ultimas Noticias in Montevideo.